Bō Shuì

Design40: Reviewing the 40 Years of Design in The City of Shenzhen


In this project, we review and analyze the design of Shenzhen over the past 40 years using data from public media, professional design awards, and exhibitions. Through visualizations, we hope to depict the evolution of Shenzhen design and gain insights into its past, present, and future.

深圳设计编年史 Chronicle of Design in Shenzhen

左右拖动浏览时间线,上下滚动或双指拉拽以缩放。Drag to browse trough timeline, scroll or pull to zoom.
可能需要刷新页面才能加载交互式可视化组件。You may need to refresh the page to load the visualiazations.

历年GDC获奖作品关键词 Keywords of the GDC Award over the Years

点击箭头切换年份,悬浮关键词查看详情。Click on arrows to switch between years, hover on keywords for details.

主旨演讲 Keynote Speech


Reviewing the Evolution of Chinese Contemporary Design Concept from the 40 Years of Shenzhen Design, 2023·China Fine Art Research Forum - Bay Area Art with Shenzhen as a Case

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